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Top ideas for a night out in Split

night out in split ultra festival

Split offers a lot of places for a night out, especially during weekends, and if you are an expat in Split, you certainly want to relax after a long working day or meet new friends. There are dozens of bars and cafes, a lot of them are situated in the city center and some of them have already become popular places for expat meetings. On the other hand, there are places that are more trendy and that attract the locals too. Here are my favorite clubs and bars for a night out in Split:

It is also very popular among the locals to visit local bars in the neighborhood so you can always check those places outside the city center as well. During the weekends you can visit them and have fun, all of them offer a great atmosphere and live music too. Some of the most popular places include:

Baraka (live music and street food)

Moon (live music)

Plan B (live music)

Very new and unique for not only Split, but Croatia is the newest LGBTQ+ "X club Split" that offers not only nightlife but a place to meet and have a drink or a coffee during the day too.

In case you are looking for some serious dance and electronic music, you will not be disappointed, especially during the summer. We all know the famous Ultra Music Festival, but apart from that open-air festival, you can also visit Central Club for some indoor partying. They are open until the morning hours so you can enjoy dancing the whole night. Further on, if you are in the mood to experience popular music from the region try Vanilla.

Lastly, in case you are in the mood for rock music, there are not many options, unfortunately, just a couple of bars, such as:

Split offers great restaurants as well and they mostly offer Dalmatian specialties. So if you want to go out and try some typical local food, you will not be disappointed. You can try meals from the fish or meat menu and there is plenty of choices. The choice of wines is also amazing since Dalmatia is well-known for good wines. Pošip, Postup, Dingač, Boganuša, Vugava... Some restaurants are situated by the sea so you can enjoy a beautiful view as well.

Some restaurants close during the winter since most visitors come during the peak season, but there are also plenty of them which are open the whole year.

If you are a movie fan, there are a few amazing cinemas in Split. It can also be a good idea for a weekend evening to go to a cinema and watch a beautiful movie. Some of them are situated in shopping malls, Joker, The Mall of Split, and City Center One so you can combine hopping as well. The movies are always presented in the original language, mostly English, so you will not have problems watching them. Whatever you choose, you will not fail, you will always meet new friends and plan together a night out for the next weekend.


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